Friday, June 29, 2007

SalonToday in Salon: Friday June 29, 2007

Rachel Carson's birthday bashing

The right has revved up its claim that the environmental pioneer who criticized DDT was responsible for the spread of malaria that killed millions. The facts say otherwise

By Kirsten Weir
Free speech for the rich and powerful
How the Roberts-led Supreme Court is setting the stage for bureaucrats to shape American culture from the top down.
By Garrett Epps
Rudy can fail
With his poll numbers sinking, Giuliani is blaming Bill Clinton for doing nothing about Islamic terrorists. But what did the former mayor do?
By Joe Conason
Ask the Pilot
I take the "flight of a lifetime" on an F-4 Phantom fighter jet and am scared witless. But I'd do it again just to experience six G's.
By Patrick Smith
Tony Blair's toodle-oo
If the British people really do want less spin and more substance from their prime minister, then Gordon Brown could be the man to deliver it.
By James Geary
This delicious tale of a rat who cooks is pure joy, a grand achievement -- one of the most beautiful animated pictures ever made.
By Stephanie Zacharek
I work with the most annoying man alive
He high-fives everyone! He says, "Are we having fun yet?" He talks in a fake Jamaican accent!
By Cary Tennis
Objects of desire
Do you have what you want? Do you want what you have? Members of Salon's community, Table Talk, tell us what they covet this week.
Joan WalshJoan Walsh
How the World WorksHow the World Works
War RoomWar Room
King Kaufman's Sports Daily
The Blazers passed on Jordan for a center in '84. Big mistake. But even if Kevin Durant is another Jordan, they should take the center, Greg Oden.
Glenn GreenwaldGlenn Greenwald
Blog ReportThe Blog Report
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