Thursday, June 28, 2007

SalonToday in Salon: Thursday June 28, 2007

The imperial vice presidency

New details about his secret mission to expand the power of the president show that Cheney, at the end of his career, refuses to loosen his grip

By Sidney Blumenthal
Surging toward disaster in Iraq
As the U.S. takes sides in Iraq's splintering civil war, a top Republican warns Bush's policy will fail.
By Juan Cole
Death-wish granny
A lifelong member of the Hemlock Society, my 87-year-old grandmother is frail, housebound, nearly blind -- and ready to die. Why won't anyone let her?
By Karen Houppert
I'm an analytical chemist with a two-body problem
My girlfriend is going to Berkeley; should I take a dream job in Toronto?
By Cary Tennis
Beyond the Multiplex
Hey, what's with the overstuffed Oscar fodder in June? Redgrave, Streep, Close and a glowing Claire Danes in "Evening," some classic Belmondo, and more.
By Andrew O'Hehir
Tom the Dancing Bug
Oh no, it's King George.
Ruben Bolling
Video DogVideo Dog
Joan WalshJoan Walsh
How the World WorksHow the World Works
War RoomWar Room
Glenn GreenwaldGlenn Greenwald
King Kaufman's Sports Daily
Congress gets an earful about the NFL's shabby treatment of disabled ex-players. Plus: A new college rating system in time for the NBA draft.
Diana's birthday
One of the things that makes me nuts in interviews for my book tour is the question: "Is Paris Hilton the Princess Diana of today?"
Tina Brown
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